Banana Leaf;

I was assured that everything eaten off a banana leaf tasted better – for no particular reason at all. The banana leaf meal is served in stages, first the leaf, then rice and then scoops of some… Stuff. And then we were given papadums and three bowls of… Stuff. We figured one out to be chicken, another to be lamb, but the third eluded us – it was delish, but I truly have no idea what it was. Ideas were shark or possibly faux-chicken?
Extremely tasty – does everything taste better off a banana leaf? Mmm, I’m not convinced

PHOP stands for Someone’s House of Pancakes. Paddingtons or something like it. This is something else we should totally get in Australia – those are some serious pancakes.
Nom nom nom
Not all our food was exotic and eaten on the side of the road. There’s a dessert place called Gobi in Singapore, full of delicious things like this Black Forest Torte and White Sesame Panna Cotta with green tea on it (bleh)
Family Food.
While I don’t have any photos, last night we went to a… House warming? One of Audrey’s cousins just moved into an apartment and we went for Hindu prayers the name of which I couldn’t pronounce let alone spell. For two hours a room full of family and friends chanted to, from what I understood, this guy:
Asking him for everything. Literally everything. For this they offered milk and flowers. It was pretty fantastic to watch and the first I’ve ever seen of such a ceremony. After that was Nasi Lemak, (which means rice fat) a dish with rice, noodles, dhal and chicken. Except this was a Hindu religious ceremony, so it was faux chicken – soya chicken? But still delicious!
It’s always fun turning up at a religious ceremony as the only white person in a black shirt, where ever single other man in the room is wearing white.
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