Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Real Day 1 on the Island....

Dinner is waiting so I dont have the time to arrange this... See words at the bottom. Having a ball!

Saturday 6th Dec 10:15am

We are driving from the airport and being shown the temples. There are 1.3 million people on the island. 53% are Hindu. The Hindu temples are awesome. We are slowly winding down and looking forward to a swim at the hotel when we arrive.

The best story from the plane trip (which was delayed - I think that has something to do with Nick) was Scott went to the loo in the middle of night and when he returned, he could not find his seat. Which shouldn’t have been too hard as the plane was chockers. Anyway he decided that some poor girl was in his chair, and even managed to evict her! Nick had to go and save her. Poor childs holiday has probably been destroyed!

Jen was so tired she even slept, which is a first.

Plane trip was typical of plane trips, drive to the resort was both fantastic and spent asleep. The country side here is truly beautiful, the mountainous background is amazing *ramble ramble ramble*.
Now take what I just said about the countryside and apply it tenfold to the resort. This place is AWESOME we were greeted with drinks and massages from cute girls, the people are helpful, friendly and great. Some speak good English, some speak good French. Other resort-goers are of the snobby variety, doing very European things, sunbathing topless and doing naught but rubbing pesto on their legs for dinner. Rooms are great. The lagoon thing is great. Trying to make this sound like anything but a paid endorsement is very difficult.

Audrey’s feet have suffered tremendously, first she managed to kick the back of my large shoes, rendering one of her toes a deep blue, and then she was assaulted by a hornet, to which the resort staff brought half an onion to rub on the gaping wound, which actually helped, shock, horror!

Um, well, we paddled in the paddle boats… Uh, had some delish cocktails, the local beer is actually pretty good, the fact that its free helps a tad.

So nice to actually be here, on holiday, finally, after a million years of transit we are all working off our jetlag and lack of sleep. Lunch was $400 AUS, I think it’s a good thing we got all inclusive, else dad may have reached critical mass and Mauritius would be a large hole. Which would be sad. L


Christo – Status: Sunburned.

Well its almost time for our full body massages, quick blog entry.
Today was watersports day, we did some water skiing, in which we were incredibly showed up by Scott, who was just amazing. Dad got up and went around, after crashing in the single most spectacular way possible. None of the rest of us made it into the upright position. Nick wants to wake board. Hah hah.
Then we did some swimming, and scott and ash went on the biscuit pulled by boat, it was the most hilarious thing to watch on the planet. They adored it, Audrey and nick followed suit, to even more hilarity. The man was a “F***ing CHAMPION MATE” [sic].

After some much needed rest (waterskiing really takes it out of you ;-) ) we had a fantastic lunch, food was very well prepared. I am very sunburnt. Its brilliant, I feel like a true tourist, I want to buy a Hawaiian shirt and some Havana’s, and walk around being culturally inappropriate.

I will hold myself back.

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