Saturday, February 21, 2009

The School Ball 2009

This has nothing to do with the holiday, but its an easy place to "stick" stuff that can be distributed to the interested...

I am not sure how much people reading this know about Year 12 school Balls in Perth? Anyway lets just say "its a mission". Dresses can cost more than $3000, there is an extreme amount of work done on the following: hair, nails, feet, fake tan (now a chemical one = "Drop down gorgeous"), make up, and an outfit for the "afters" - all of which keep the Perth retail industry wondering what all the world is currently complaining about financially.

In good male style I managed to keep out of all of the above, until the house where the afters...

Lets digress here and go into what actually occurs on the day, which starts around 1pm:
1. Perth Retail
Keep the Perth retail industry in the manner that none of us are accustomed to (hair, nails etc)

2. The Before Befores
Get a few friends together to "get ready"

3. The Befores
Locate an extremely fancy house of a willing parent. Parents provide snacks and alcohol for parents and just snacks and soft drinks for about 20 girls and their partners. There are many picture taking opportunities and the parents all try and desperately remember the names of the other adults they last saw 3 months ago at the drama night (I lose this one), and all try and out do complements of their children, all knowing deep down that their child is by far the beautiful, intelligent etc etc (I win this one).

4. The Ball
A tightly controlled affair, if anyone is seen looking like they might be drinking or thinking about illicit substances - there are serious consequences.
The DJs are chosen by an older school committee. They must not sell, use, or have ever had contact with illicit substances. They must be presentable. The music must not be too noisy so conversation will not be hampered.
Consequently kids seem to use the actual Ball to heighten the anticipation for "The AFTERS".

5. The Afters
This is actually where it all happens. I wont be specific, but all the things that have been controlled up to now - are open slather.
Halls and Community centers now refuse to host these events as these kids have taken the level of destruction, violence, abuse and responsibility to new heights.
So its up to them to convince some poor "dumb ass" parent to host The Afters.

So returning to the original prose: I know all this. I have 2 sons that have gone through this. I am not stupid. However about 10 days ago I wandered into the kitchen when Jen and Ash were having a heated conversation. The planned venue for the afters had been cancelled after the landlord had discovered the plans.

Maybe I was trying to get my mind off the current financial crisis, looking for a distraction, feeling suicidal - I dont remember, but I made some innocuous comment like "this house would really suit an afters". The reaction from 2 females in the family could not have been different. Jen said "I wash my hands of this" and Ash said "Wouldnt it just be great? Come on Dad, lets do it", and before I knew it the die was cast.......

I wont go into the boring details of the preparation other to say that Jen did eventually get involved and boy I am glad she did.... One memorable thing was when I was calling the parents and explaining what was going to happen - the relief and gratitude in their voices was fairly scary.

The Before Befores

The make up artist - Alex

The make up...

The dress.

Waiting for the Before Before friend and her partner, Elliot to arrive...

Decided maybe to go with a friend from another school as they were now 45 minutes late

Now just being silly...

Finally Morgana arrives - 48 minutes late

Partner arrived a few minutes after so there was no time for pictures. Just off to Befores at speed.

The Befores

Ash and Elliot

Ash hoping for a MacDonalds as the snacks were not filling her up!

They were all just gorgeous!

See parents in the background desperately trying to remember the names?

Thankfully she got Jens eyes

Off on the Bus to the Ball

The perfect place for afters

Nicks (he was so sad to miss it) mates who were there for my piece of mind.
They did a fantastic job, of ensuring that the event went off without a hitch.

The Afters outfit.

The obligatory "My Space" pictures.

Jens very good idea of ensuring that no one hurt themselves on the trampoline. This was popular spot...

So all in all we did discover that our house is a good place for the afters. The DJ they got was incredible and kept them all dancing till 3am. The neighbours were amazing, and most importantly Ash and I had a really good time organising, setting up, enjoying the night and even cleaning up......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoa! Well done to you all - to Jenni for keeping her Boundaries, to Doug and Ashleigh for doing the rest together and to Christo and Nick's various friends for being supportive. It looks like a fun night. The garden certainly lends itself to a Perfect Summer Party venue.