Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday 19th. The more scary things from the game reserve!

The Number 3 Scary thing. Being on foot.

Walking through the bush with "The Big 5"!
The big five (ie the 5 most dangerous animals in the bush to humans) are defined as the Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo. So when one is wandering through the African bush on foot (albeit with a ranger with a large gun) these 5 trend to prey (ha ha) on ones mind a little.

The Africans say that the buffalo has a look that means "You owe me money". See?

Fortunately we were encased in a metal object with a large fast engine when we saw this herd. I think I would still be running if we came across these guys on foot.

The rangers said we should "climb a tree" if a Rhino charged us. There are a few problems with this philosophy:
1. Most of the trees there, have serious (and I mean serious) thorns
2. When we came across these 2 - there were not many climbable trees in sight.

When I took the picture, the shutter made an extremely loud and alarming noise that I had not noticed before. I realised that we are small and puny creatures and should not be in the domain of very large, fast, unpredictable animals, unless encased in metal with NOS enabled engines. After that I took photos of bugs and flowers...

The Number 2 Scary thing. Elephants on the Road.
Some hints on elephants:

When observing elephants be especially aware of the following:
1. Are they in "must" (sp). This is a condition that the males get into for the mating season.
2. Is the sweat gland running over? Look just behind the eye and see sweat running down.
3. Is the back leg wet? See the dark inside of the back right leg. They urinate on them selves. The females find this attractive, proving that they are as complex as human females.

If you believe that they are in "must" - be very afraid.

My wife knows all these things as she has spent many hours in vehicles with "wilderness" types who have absolute disregard for their own safety. Unfortunately for her she was in a vehicle with people who have very little experience of "musting" and scoffed at her pleas for fast evasive action. So when this guy suddenly turned and charged (note ears flapping - another bad sign) the driver was caught unawares.
Note to self: when looking through a camera lens the animal is MUCH closer than it appears!
Sorry about the blurriness of the picture but my arm still bears the nail marks, and let me tell you they dont look like they can move quickly, but that ambling walk is just done to placate us puny humans.

The Number 1 Scary thing. Having an elephant in camp.

Well it all started out innocently enough.....

Audrey (who is a game spotter of note) saw this guy very close to our camp.....

He wandered around - this picture was taken standing on my bed.

Then he went down to the river to cool off...

This was taken from the veranda

Then he walked right by... Just like the fly (OK its getting late and my bed is calling)

I think Audrey might be slightly disappointed if she ever goes to another game reserve as this is not an everyday occurrence...

Then he disappeared. So everyone (wilderness savy types included) disappeared off on a night drive in the bush. Nick, Jen and I (Scott playing DS in his house) were having a drink on the porch when....

We noticed him walk by the house. It was a bit like Jurassic Park....

Thats the bedoom window

He pushed over a tree, just for fun. I am sure he was saying "See this is how strong I am, puny humans. Do not mess with me".

I had forgotten by this time how much noise my camera made when facing large, fast unpredictable animals, but I wanted to get some evidence of having an elephant in camp.

But I did not hang around to get a better shot with more light. Do you know the ground does move when they walk? It is amazing...

This is actual proof of what can happen in this place.....

This is how you cross a human walk way

This is in the middle of the houses...

Would you ask him to leave?

The next day Jen told NuNu and Elliot (those wilderness savy types) all about it.

They were very off hand about the incident and NuNu kept saying that this was the best thing he had ever tasted (Dad - click on the picture), could he have another? Which Jennifer refused - a first for her.

Well thats all for now.. Will send more in the Berg, if I can drum up the energy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laughed my head off in the internet cafe... Al is jealous and wants to skip ship.